
How UAE Universities Future Proof Graduate Employability

How UAE Universities Future Proof Graduate Employability
How UAE Universities Future Proof Graduate Employability

In the year 2021, we have seen dramatic changes due to the pandemic, which indicated that the demand for employment has also changed, and the next generation of graduates needs to be ready to face the dangerous world.

Therefore this responsibility has fallen to Universities to solve these issues related to employement, which indicates that the universities have to Prepare and develop New Skillset subjects and also promote new ideas. But it can be a tough judgment to make for students who don’t know which skillset to pick and what is required to be employed in a big company.

That’s why in today’s discussion, we will tell you about the skill set required and is high in demand. With this research, our whole team has contacted different Universities and asked for their guidance and asked them to elaborate on the trending skill set that every big company is demanding.

Skill Set Which Is Essential For Employment

Creativity: When we were researching about various skills, we set the most related one, which is required in almost every company, is the Creativity Skill Set. When you possess a creative mindset, you will connect with different people who have different ideas, which will assist you in solving your problems. And when being creative, you will come to ask multiple questions on multiple occasions; some questions may be related to you, but you will some ask questions that are not related to your field. This will permit you to see at the larger picture. And being creative can sometimes help you experiment with multiple ideas, such as Assignment Help Dubai. It doesn’t matter how odd the idea is or how confused you will be able to test with all of them in various ways. If you master your creative skillset, you will have the upper advantage over all of your competitors.

Graphic Designing: In the movie and design sector, there’s has been a massive demand for video editors and photo editors because there has been a tough competition between moviemakers of all kinds, especially Netflix, Amazon Prime, and many more, so to keep up with their schedule, they have been continuously bringing in more and more video editor and photo editors. So if you have a massive passion for Graphic design, then master it completely, and maybe you will be given a 6 figure salary.

Management: There are also companies that want a person who has the capability to manage things, and I don mean it by executing a Project. Management is the collaboration and leadership of a given task, and to finish that given target and to achieve these goals, you will need to organize an excellent strategy, and you will need to coordinate it with the efforts of your staff to complete all the objectives through the application of available resources. Setting and achieving a particular aim is a primary way a manager can maintain perfection, and they must also have the capability to handle the staff and employees perfectly. A manager also has the responsibility to motivate his team members because when trying to achieve every single goal with your staff members, it sometimes leaves a lot of burdens, and they will not be able to work correctly. So, it is necessary to motivate when they are feeling depressed.

Leadership: Nowadays, renowned companies are looking for people who have excellent Leadership skills. Influential leaders are those who can make quick decisions with the information they have, and to be a perfect leader, it will require time and a lot of experience. And if you are able to understand your organization completely, then you will be able to decide quickly, even if you don’t have the complete information. Leadership is seen as a unique skill set and is not honed by everyone, and only few are capable of doing it.

Communication Skills: Having good communication is also considered a Skillset it will help you to become successful in multiple fields by setting up a clear expectation with your seniors. Various companies use different methods to communicate depending on the work environment. For instance, if you have a proper conversation with a higher-up, it is better to send a Formal letter or make a call on your phone. In a workplace, you will find it easier to discuss intricate details in person or through video chat.

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