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End-Of-Year School Exams To Finish Prior To Ramadan

End-Of-Year School Exams to Finish Prior to Ramadan
End-Of-Year School Exams to Finish Prior to Ramadan


Ramadan is the holy month for Muslims and it is a time for Muslims to practice self-discipline like devoting less time to worldly pursuits. Rather they need to spend more time praying, charitable giving, and as well engaged in other religious activities.

As for students, it is very hard to study this month and focus. As a result, in this article, we are going to talk about the top tips to study in the month of Ramadan.

What Is Ramadan?

It is a month for fasting and refraining from things considered impure from mind and body. It is forbidden to eat, or drink during the fasting. Those who input in this month give up on food, drink, and as well impure opinions during the hours of sunrise and sunset. As a result, this enables them to focus and pray with Allah.

How To Study During The Month Of Ramadan?

The body depends on the failure of glucose for energy. Thus the body depletes the liver store of glucose after 10 to 12 hours of fasting. That inspires fat cells to create fat that turns inside the liver and can be used as an energy source known as ketones.

Hence during the time of fasting, this can feel like fatigue, and a lot of students face tough issues and are unable to focus on their studies. Below are the top tips that going to aid you during exams.

1. 25:5 Rule:

There are dozens of ways to study the month of Ramadan among the best ones is the 25:5 rule. This rule says that you need to constantly study but then have to rest after every 25 minutes of study. Because this is vital for your health between the time of fasting.

After that, you must repeat the cycle for few times till you master it. And then you have to practice captivating work such as to friends, reading books and as well playing sports. These are the best things you can do the whole study during this month.

2. Place Of Studying:

Now you have to pay attention to the study during the month of Ramadan. You need to stay away from places of sleeping and eating because it might be stipulated by the brain. Such as the wish to sleep and hunger. You can also assign a desk for instance if you do not have a private space for study.

Moreover, you need to make sure that the desk is divided from anything else in the place and you have to clean the area of study. And as well you need to organize your room and keep your room clean regularly. In addition, you have to stay away from the places that distract the mind. And it is suggested you must ignore the use of computers, mobiles, and games during study time.

3. Study Smart, Not Hard:

You need to utilize simple techniques during the study during the month of Ramadan. Because it is a challenge to obtain focus on a study from the academic articles and scientific notebooks between the time of fasting.

Further, you can also hire the Assignment Writing Service Dubai, this is one of the quickest and smartest ways of studying these days. For instance, studying from reliable summaries, mind maps, reliable video clips, and as well other methods of studying can be the ideal choice.

4. Make Sure Good & Strong Health:

Keeping mental health can be tricky in the month of Ramadan. You do not need to panic, do not take any psychological pressure. And you need to remain calm as possible. Because psychological pressure does not help it will most likely increase your problems and affect negatively your health. In the end, it will damage your brain.

5. Ignore Stress:

Ignore stress and fatigue, because you need to stop studying once you have tired. In this scenario, you can do a lot of things and distract yourself from studying. Such as looking on the street and as well you can taking a shower and splash your face with water etc. In addition, you need to create a good study plan for the month of Ramadan as a means to ignore stress and fatigue

6. Vent Out Your Thoughts Ideas:

Taking or looking over information from friends may support combining to ignore, stress, fatigue, and as well tension. Moreover, you can as well devote more time to loved ones and family to reduce stress, and anxiety and restore vitality. As a result, it will psychological boost to your study during the month of Ramadan.

7. Remain Hydrated:

You have to ignore drinking a large amount of water in the month of Ramadan and after Sahri. Since you might be required to go to the bathroom for later short duration of time and then it will lead to the loss of a huge amount of water.

As a result, you must regulate your water after the time of fasting and after Sahri. It is the ideal choice to decrease dehydration. Since dehydration leads to a lack of ability of brain cells to perform their functions and then you will be unable to focus on your study.

8. Sleep Correctly:

Now you must adjust your sleeping hours during the month of Ramadan. Since you need to sleep well and if you do not well sleep then you will be tired and can’t focus on your study during exams.  On the other hand, the time of sleep and studying must be settled in the month of Ramadan. But then what is the best time for studying this month? These are given below.

Study Times In Ramadan:

Forming the time of study during the month of Ramadan is among the most key quality studies of this month.  Some of the best tips are as follows.

  1. Study later the Sahri and the time of noon. Since this time focus and activities are at their peak. And then sleep after praying Isha to Sahri.
  2. Study in the time of aftari and sahri. Because you will not feel thirsty and hungry at this time. After that, you need to take a sleep from sahri to noon.

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